Recreational Pool Classes

Jump Right In – The Water is Great!
Our popular Water Fitness classes take place in the Recreational Pool (86 degrees) and Therapy Pool (91 degrees). The properties of water provide low impact to the weight-bearing joints, increase circulation, and strengthen muscles in all directions of movement. Aquatic exercise is an appropriate and effective option for beginners, weekend warriors, and athletes. Classes focus on cardiovascular stamina, strength, and flexibility.
All water fitness passes, except for drop-in, include unlimited lap swimming. Drop-in passes include lap swimming for the day of use. Knowing how to swim is not required, however, you must feel comfortable in the Water. Please inform your instructor of your inability to swim.
*Participants must be able to independently perform skills and must be ambulatory with or without an assistive device.
To register for Water Fitness Classes you must have a MindBody account Class descriptions, times, prices, and instructors are subject to change.
Recreational Pool Classes
Arthritis/MS Splash (Deep Water) - Monday or Wednesday or Friday
This combination class allows you to exercise without putting excess strain on your joints and muscles. The gentle activities in the water, with guidance will help you work on gaining strength & flexibility. Excellent for mild Arthrits, beginners and returning exercisers and strengthening for Pre-surgery and post surgery. For those with Multiple Sclerosis – The cool water (Recreational Pool) helps regulate the body temperature, allowing for longer and more effective workouts. The focus is on improving mobility skills and endurance for walking and fall prevention.
This exercise program helps increase flexibility, range of motion, endurance and decreases joint stiffness. Allows the participant to exercise without putting a strain on joints and muscles. Arthritis Foundation guidelines are followed by certified instructors.
Mon / Weds / Fri
10:00 am - 10:55 am
Aqua HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) - Mondays
The goal of this high-intensity interval training workout is to feel the burn in all areas of your body. The class will focus on cardiovascular endurance and strength-building exercises that will target the core muscles of our bodies such as abdominals, hips, glutes, and arms. The class will consist of a warm-up, main workout, and cool-down, high-intensity interval training, designed to provide cardiovascular benefits along with muscle strength.
6:35 PM - 7:30 PM
Aqua Zumba - Sundays
This class uses water adapted movements of the Zumba dance rhythms with easy-to-follow moves to create a cardio experience that is exhilarating and energizing. Less impact on your joints so you can really let loose, dance, and party as hard as you can, utilizing your arms, legs, and core. Water creates neutral resistance, so every step is more challenging and helps you tone and strengthen your muscles.
8:15 am - 9:10 am
Classic Shallow Water Fitness - Thursday
Multi-level class designed to provide exercise routines and options for all conditioning and skill levels. Taught as a classic aqua aerobics class and includes a variety of cardio, strength and flexibility components.
6:35 pm - 7:30 pm
Dynamic Deep Water - Monday - Fridays & Sundays
Athletes and beginners – take the plunge! This class minimizes the impact on your joints, yet provides resistance in all directions of movement. Deepwater exercises contribute to strengthening, toning muscles and building cardiovascular fitness. (Flotation equipment is typically used to maintain correct alignment).
Mon - Fri
11:30 am
Mon / Weds
12:35 pm
9:30 am - 10:25
Friday Night Whirlpool - Fridays
Water is the great equalizer; everyone from workout rookies, weekend warriors, seniors, and athletes can use it and enjoy its benefits. This class is a rotating whirlpool of the finest Water Fitness instructors and classes to offer the best aquatic cross training possible. You don’t know what you’re going to get but you know it’s going to be good. All classes focus on cardiovascular stamina, strength and flexibility.
6:35 PM - 7:30 PM
Movin' Water Deep - Tuesday or Friday
This high-energy workout promotes cardiovascular endurance and core strengthening in the deep water. It integrates a variety of low and high-intensity exercises, including aqua
jogging and running.
Last Tuesday of the month, 1 Mile Water Run
Tues / Fri
6:30 am - 7:25 am
Movin' Water Shallow - Tuesday or Friday
This high-energy workout promotes cardiovascular endurance and core strengthening in the shallow water. It integrates a variety of low and high-intensity exercises, including aqua
jogging and running.
Last Tuesday of the month, 1 Mile Water Run
Tues / Fri
6:30 am - 7:25 am
Power Waves - Wednesdays
This class borrows elements from high-intensity interval training and traditional strength training to improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, strength and flexibility. The aquatic setting creates a unique opportunity; the viscosity of the water provides resistance that you can easily adjust to suit your fitness level! The harder you push and pull, the more resistance you meet from it.
6:35 pm - 7:00 PM
Shallow Water Move and Groove - Tuesdays
High energy, fitness and dance-based class suitable for adults of all levels. Focus is on increasing functional movement and range of motion, as well as improvement of cardiovascular fitness. Emphasis is on fun and student engagement using a variety of classic aqua fitness and pilates techniques.
6:35 pm - 7:30 pm
Strong Water Burn - Saturdays
You’ll burn calories while toning arms, legs, abs, and glutes. Plyometric or explosive moves modified or not (high knees, burpees, and jumping jacks) are interchangeable with isometric moves (lunges, squats, and kickboxing elements).
7:30 am - 8:25 am
We’d love to hear from you!
- All patrons entering the pool must be wearing proper swimming attire.
- All patrons must be registered in a class through our MindBody software in order to participate in programming.
- The new registration platform allows:
- The flexibility to register for individual passes
- The ability to cancel a class (up to 2 hours before the class start time)
- The option to "Drop In" a class when space is available
- The incentive of receiving discounted classes when passes are purchased versus paying the drop in fee.
- Depending on the pass you purchase, you will be able to participate in one class or multiple classes.
- Our monthly passes allow patrons to participate in classes multiple times per week (maximum of 4 classes per week; one class per day). These passes are discounted and therefore do have some restrictions in place.
- Your pass becomes active once you register for your first class, not the date you purchased your pass.
- If you need to cancel your class for any reason, you may do so at any time by logging into your MindBody account at least two hours before the start of the class time. Notification of a cancelled lesson within two hours of the class taking place will result in a forfeited class.
- We have class rain or shine.
What to bring to swim class:
- Proper swim attire
- Towel
- Sandals (pool deck can get very hot during the warm months)
- Hat
- Apply sunscreen 30 minutes prior to your class (sunscreen applied less than 30 min prior to class just comes off in the water)
- Masks
- Cover-up
How do I register for a Class Session?
To register for Water Fitness classes, you will need an account, which can be made either online or over the phone by providing basic contact information. Patrons may register for a class online, or over the phone at (626)564-0330 ext. 601. In order for your registration to be finalized and a spot reserved, you will need to provide payment in full (we accept all major credit cards, cash, and checks).
Does the Center offer credits or refunds?
If there is a doctor’s note, credits are offered if the patron cannot finish out the session. The doctor’s note must be on a letterhead with the patron’s name and dates they cannot be in the water. There is a no refund policy.
The class I wanted is full, can I be waitlisted?
Waitlists are available, however, please note that the only way to register someone off of a waitlist is if someone un-enrolls from that specific class. This is an occasional occurance. Please check with the office to determine if the time you prefer is available.
What is the Water Temperature, depth and size of the Recreational Pool?
Water temperature is 86 degrees. Shallow area depth is 3’6” / Deepest area depth is 17” / Olympic size – 50 meters by 25 yards.
What is the Water Temperature, depth and size of the Therapy Pool?
Water temperature is 91 degrees. Shallow area depth is 3’6” / Deepest area depth is 6’ / Size is 35’ by 45'.