RBAC Board of Directors Committees
On a yearly basis, the RBAC will collect names of individuals interested in volunteering for board or committee positions. For more information about this process, please contact us below
Executive Committee
Provide advice and counsel to Executive Director, coordinate the work of the Board, and act in Board’s place on matters requiring immediate attention.
Board Development Committee (Governance)
Provide governance framework and coordinate board recruitment and elections.
Finance Committee
Review annual budget and periodic financial statements, ensure proper internal controls are in place, and contribute towards long-range financial planning for RBAC.
Investment Committee
Coordinate responsible investments of RBAC portfolio and advise RBAC executive leadership on overall investment strategies.
Audit Committee
Assist in oversight responsibility of the RBAC’s financial reporting process, system of internal controls, and audit process.
Development Committee
Contribute to the development of fundraising and grant seeking campaigns, solicit support and engagement towards RBAC fundraising goals, and assist with outreach with community, corporate, civic, and philanthropic organizations.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Community Outreach Committee
To promote, create, and sustain an evironment and culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Financial Assistance Committee
To help the RBAC provide equitable access to aquatic programs and educational opportunities for residents of Pasadena and the surrounding communities.